a woman in translucent clothing posing against a front-lit wall


Porn Induced ED

There is an increasing body of thought that believes pornography can be a contributory factor to Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and more and more we find young men coming forward to us with ED problems that they wish to overcome.





a man watching something on his tablet in the dark

Is there a link between erectile dysfunction and pornography?

Pornography isn't new and has existed in many forms for 1000's of years. Examples of pornography have been discovered on precious papyrus during excavations of the Pyramids in Egypt. 

But today we are faced with a totally new age of pornography - An age where pornography of any type and fantasy is seconds away at the touch of a button on a phone or tablet.

It is now easy for boys just reaching puberty to access pornography, meaning for many of them their first exploration into sex doesn't start with peering at a top shelf magazine, a fumbled kiss or holding a hand, but with hardcore pornography.

Opinion is divided as to whether pornography contributes to ED but increasingly our clinical experience suggests there is a growing link – indeed there is now a whole area of research looking at Porn Induced ED (PIED). But it is not just ED and the ability to have satisfactory penetrative sex, but also a wider range of psychological and partner issues.

A recent study of over 3,000 men of different ages, established that there was a correlation between the amount of pornography watched and an increasing incidence of ED. Moreover, very worryingly this showed that an increasing percentage of young men in their late teens and early 20's complained about the onset of ED.

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a man with his arms crossed against his groin holding a banana

What's the connection?

Our experience indicates that there are a number of reasons for this.

  • One is a desensitisation to sexual stimulus and an increased need for ever more erotic stimulus. Stimulus starts with the senses, sight, touch, or smell, but especially sight. In the past a female in a low-cut top may have triggered an erection in a young heterosexual male, his eyes telling him to become sexually aroused. But nowadays, the mystique is gone, there are no surprises for a young male.
  • As a result, we see an increase in porn addiction, where males can watch hours of porn and become experts in self-pleasure, rather than a mutual pleasure enjoyed between two partners.
  • Porn addiction leads to problems in the bedroom – for both partners and increased expectations that cannot be fulfilled. In fact, a new term has emerged in this digital age…of ‘Partnered sex'. Put simply, pornography has made expectations higher, and self-esteem lower. 
  • For young males their manhood is intricately linked to their masculinity. In the past, they would have envied the alpha males at school who attracted the attention of the pretty girls, but today, their mental competition are the male porn actors, with their fit bodies and oversized manhood.
  • For a man the expectations of themselves are higher and when they can't get aroused with their partner, because the bar for stimulation has been set so much higher, a vicious circle sets in and problems with getting and sustaining erections start becoming more frequent.
  • Similarly, their partners cannot compete with porn actresses, who have been filmed in erotic lighting, effortlessly performing sexual aerobics with seemingly perfect sexual bodies.

So just like people who drink too much alcohol, smoke to many cigarettes or live on a bad diet that can lead to health problems, men who watch too much porn and are experiencing erectile dysfunction need to do something about it.

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a man holding his groin while speaking with a medical professional

Will ED Go Away After Quitting Watching Porn?

If a man is suffering from Porn Induced ED and quits watching porn, then he should experience a better erectile function over time. Usually, a man can expect to have improved erectile function after staying away from watching porn for 90 days.

However, this time interval is not constant for everyone and may vary from person to person.

Porn abstinence can enable the body and mind to reboot and reset to natural sexual cues. But in the first few days after quitting watching porn men may lose all sense of libido (which is known as flat lining), but eventually this goes away, and the body starts to recover.

Whilst there is no set medical protocol with do's and don'ts these are some of the things, we advise our clients:

  • Firstly, set yourself a target – stop watching porn for 90-days. If you struggle with this, it is an indication of how addicted you are. If you are older, remember it is only in the last decade or so that you have been able to watch porn and you lived a fulfilling life before this.
  • To help with this, download porn blocking software for your computer. If not the temptation, may be too great to slip back into viewing.
  • If you struggle, make a list of the reasons why you shouldn't be watching porn and how much of your life it is taking up. Increasing your chances of ED and problems with sexual intercourse with your partner, are right up there on the list.

If your struggle is too great, consider contacting a sex therapist to help with porn addiction.

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an illustration showcasing a shockwave therapy treatment directly to the penis

Our ED Treatments 

We provide several modern non-invasive treatments to treat ED. However, our treatment protocols are for those patients who are suffering from ED due to vascular issues.

If you are suffering from ED due to porn addiction and vascular problems as well, then our focused shockwave therapy, focused Extracorporeal MagnetoTransduction Therapy (EMTT), NanoVi and Tesla Chair can be very effective for you.

Shockwave therapy utilises special shockwaves to generate new blood vessels and improve blood flow in the penile tissues, whereas EMTT therapy uses intense magnetic field to further improve blood flow and fasten the cell recovery. Our NanoVi technology also aids in the recovery of damaged cells and the DNA of those cells. Our Telsa chair works on improving the blood flow through your pelvic floor and improving the ejaculatory muscles.

All our treatments can be used simultaneously as they are compatible with one another. Thousands of men have been able to overcome ED and enjoy their sex life again after undergoing our revolutionary combined treatment procedures.

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Porn Induced ED FAQ's

Is There Any Link Between ED and Pornography?

Various studies investigating this issue have shown that there is indeed some connection between ED and watching porn. Porn can create an unnatural expectation of sex in men’s minds which can lead to disappointment when they fail to meet that expectation in real life.

Is Porn-Induced ED Real?

The opinion of medical professionals is divided with this issue, as some think porn induced ED is real while some think otherwise. But from our experience we can say that porn can play a major role in inducing ED in men, and we are now treating more young males than we previously did.

Will Porn Definitely Cause ED?

There is no guarantee that you will suffer from ED if you watch porn. There are numerous men who watched porn yet never had trouble with their erectile function. However, it’s important to note that, porn can indeed increase the risk of you suffering from ED.

How Long Will It Take to Reverse the Negative Impacts of Porn in My Erectile Function?

It can vary from person to person. Some men experience better erectile function after quitting porn for 90 days, while others experience is sooner or later than that. It depends on the degree of watching porn and how long a person has been watching it.

Can Watching Too Much Porn Lead to Relationship Issues?

Due to porn a man can get a false idea of sex and develop unnatural expectations and the sexual act of partnered sex is different to solo sex. He may suffer decreased sexual arousal in partnered sex and face difficulties in obtaining a strong erection. This can hamper his sex life and his partner will also suffer from it as well, as it can create sexual dissatisfaction and frustrations between a couple. Ultimately, relationship problems may start to develop.

Is Porn-Induced ED Treatable?

Usually, the negative impact of porn in sexual health can be mitigated by abstaining from watching porn and seeking medical help. The time interval of quitting porn and the recovery of erectile function may vary from person to person. Some may experience better erectile function after 90 days of quitting porn while some may experience it sooner.

How Can I Overcome Porn Addiction?

If you think porn is causing difficulties in your sexual health then make up your mind and set a target of completely abstaining from watching porn for a particular time period, say 90 days. Make sure to download porn blocking software to your PC or mobile phone to avoid the chance of watching it again. Keep yourself busy and focus on other productive tasks. Avoid things that may tempt you to watch pornographic materials. Finally, if you have a partner then talk to them openly about this as psychological support can be of great use in this scenario.

Will ED Go Away After Quitting Watching Excessive Porn?

Usually, a porn addict can hope to hope to expect better erectile function after quitting this habit. Many men have experienced improved erectile function after quitting watching porn for an extended time period. If a man quits watching porn, then his brain and body start to react naturally towards normal sex and sexual stimulation.

How Do You Treat Porn Induced ED Patients?

We suggest our patients of porn induced ED quit watching porn, as it can aid them in getting their healthy erectile function back. However, if patients have other physical and vascular causes of ED then we utilise our advanced shockwave, EMTT, Nanovi and Tesla chair treatments to increase the blood flow and nerve sensitivity in the penis and improve ED.




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